The Day I saw My Husband

By Jessica Lewis

On March 20, 2022, I saw a vision of who I believe is supposed to be my husband. The vision was as clear as day and it lasted longer than normal visions I’ve had in the past. In the vision I heard God say, “this was supposed to be your husband.” Stuck on the word “was,” I asked God, “Is this my husband?” The question remains unanswered.

The person that I saw took me by surprise. I never considered him. I never looked at him in a romantic way. I probably avoided him in that way. Why? Because he is extremely attractive. We occupy the same space at a place where I find refuge. It’s a place where I never considered finding a husband. But isn’t that how God works? Some say He works in mysterious ways.

God speaks to me in various ways. Sometimes it is through visions. Other times, He will drop something in my spirit. Either way it is always clear and never mistaken. Although - since having the vision, I have wrestled with the idea of whether it was a figment of my imagination or a revelation from God. In a lot of ways I am still in disbelief yet hopeful that it was a vision of what the future holds.

I’ve longed prayed for a husband and family. While I have created a platform to change the narrative about what it means to be single, I’ve never abandoned my desire to share a life with someone. In fact, I have taken this time to work on myself to be the best partner I can be. In the past, I have not always accepted people for who they are. I’ve had expectations that were unrealistic. People come as their full selves. Not some build-a-man that I want them to be.

As I enter this next phase of life, I am ready to be a supportive, willing, compromising partner. Not to be concerned with my own needs all the time. But rather being cognizant of what the other person needs.

Time will tell if my vision was in fact a revelation from God. I guess we all can stay tuned…

Jessica Lewis is the creator of Single Dope Black Chick. It is a blog that focuses on changing the narrative for single Black women. She is also the CEO of LaLew Public Relations, a full service public relations firm based in Rochester, NY. She is an avid traveler and has visited nine countries and counting.

PostJessica Lewis